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Open Communion – Communion, a remembrance of the Last Supper with Jesus and the disciples, is celebrated every Sunday in worship and is open to all, even non-members of our congregation.

The Oneness of the Church – All Christians are called to unity and are to seek opportunities for the common good and for service.

 Freedom of Belief – As Disciples, we gather around two essentials: faith in the Way of Jesus and that all of Jesus’ followers are free to be guided by their own conscience as they study the Bible and seek to live out their faith in light of the Spirit’s calling. Therefore, we seek to extend those same freedoms to others. We feel no need to coerce others to conform in their beliefs or how they choose to live out their convictions.

Baptism – As Disciples, we baptize those who wish to express their faith through this ritual by immersion. We believe that baptism is one way we connect to the Church universal and to one another. We also recognize and honor baptisms from other traditions when folks from outside our tradition unite with our church in membership.

 The Ministry of All Believers – Both ministers and lay persons lead in worship, service, and spiritual growth. All persons, regardless of age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity, marital status, or physical or mental ability are encouraged to serve in all facets of congregational life.

All of the above are not creeds. They are intentions. There are no belief tests, no creeds, and no particular requirements enforced for membership at New Covenant Christian Church other than the desire to be a part of our community and to follow the Way of Jesus together.